Ryk Graduated with a Biology Degree out of the University of Alberta in 1977 and the very next year took up bowhunting which has been his passion ever since the 70’s. Ryk has been involved with the Alberta Bowhunter’s Association since 1978 and has been the Chairman of the ABA Game Awards Program since 1980. Ryk has been a Measurer, Member, and a Senior Member of Pope & Young since the 80’s and Ryk was the Chairman of the only Pope & Young Convention ever held outside the U.S. in Edmonton, AB, Canada in 1997. In 1997 Ryk was one of 5 outfitters chosen by Alberta Fish & Wildlife and all outfitters in Alberta to create the Alberta Professional Outfitter’s Society. APOS is the Designated Authority Organization that manages the outfitted hunting industry in Alberta. Ryk was the first President of APOS From 1997 – 2003. In 2005, Ryk was one of five Alberta Fish and Wildlife Champions honored for exceptional efforts to promote wise use of wildlife resources. He was awarded Alberta’s most prestigious wildlife conservation award, the Order of the Bighorn.
About Ryk Visscher

About Ryk Visscher's Hunting Adventures
Ryk Visscher’s Hunting Adventures, established in 1989, is a long-standing business with a proud history of providing a superior hunting experience. Since the late 80’s Ryk’s Outfitting business at various times consisted of Black Bear, Whitetail, Elk, Moose, Mountain Lion, Mule Deer, and Waterfowl hunts. More recently however Ryk has reduced his operation to just 8 Black Bear hunts and 10 moose hunts targeting bowhunting clients primarily. Having said that, gun hunters are welcome on the bear hunt and he will take a few moose and whitetail rifle hunters from year to year.
Black Bear Hunt

Black Bear guiding was Ryk’s inauguration into outfitting in Alberta back in 1990. Since then, he has hosted many hundreds of clients every May out of his Bear Camps 3 hours North-East of Edmonton. Ryk has reduced his bear operation some years ago from over 40 hunters a year to just 2 groups of 4 bear hunters each May on back to back weeks. Reducing client numbers took Ryk’s focus to quality rather than quantity and it has paid off in some great bears and bear hunting!
Moose Hunt

Since 1998 Ryk’s been guiding up to 10 moose bowhunting clients (late September-early October 8 day rut hunts) and occasionally 1 or 2 rifle hunting clients (Early November) with great success (averaging over 70% actual kill with Bow and are 100% with Rifle). We couldn’t be prouder of the opportunities we create time and time again each year in these high density moose zones we hunt near Edmonton.
Are You Ready for an Adventure?
Contact us today to find out how to make a trip down to one of our hunting grounds happen